Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Terry Pratchett: Discworld, Inworld

Hey all you fans of Terry Pratchett... and I 'm guessing you're legion, if the many Pratchett groups, Ankh morpork and Discworld, the Turtle Moves, the Unseen University, to mention just the obvious, are anything to go by... The news on the street is, Mr Pratchett is going to be inworld tomorrow, Thursday 9th October at 12pm SLT. The hour-long Q & A event will be held at Nick Gloucester's sim Elysian Isle, in voice! I think it's too late to get your question posed to the author, but fun to listen to what other Residents want to know, and Mr. Pratchett wants to reveal, about writing, about fantasy and I suppose about the world that is disc.
There are freebies, gifts and prizes up for grabs, on Elysian, much of it themed around the latest book 'Nation' so TP over there when you get a chance, even if you miss the celebrity sighting.
Best advice, join the Terry Pratchett group right away, so you'll have all the latest info and access to the upcoming Nation island, part of the burgeoning SL/Discworld experience - and of course, those are both trademarks belonging to the rich and famous.
Elysian Isle also has an interesting exhibition on Ebooks, worth a close study, it is the way of the future, you know...
Oh and I'm wearing an evening gown in the photo because, when I got the call about Terry Pratchett, I was trying on all the lovelies from the treasure hunt at Sexy Catz over on sim Quality Lag still on, but not for long, there must be a hundred items up for grabs *freestyle my fashion kama sutra* all in an Octobery halloweenish castle. More of that Octobery ilk in the offing...

Il grande Terry Pratchett, autore dei libri di fantasy della serie Mondo disco - i libri, si dice, più rubati dalle biblioteche inglesi - viene in SL domani!

Mi ha segnalato il suo arrivo Kghia Gherardi del gruppo Guild of UK Writers. Sara' nel metaverso per rispondere alle domande dei residenti-fans per un'ora a partire dalle 21 ora italiana domani giovedì 9 ottobre sul sim di Nick Gloucester, Elysian Isle. Ci sono in palio libri, magliette e naturalmente la possibilita' di conoscere e fare amicizia con altri residenti che condividono i tuoi stessi gusti per fantasy con un buon sense of humour.

Per ulteriori dettagli puoi associarti al gruppo Terry Pratchett trovato in Search. Ci sono diversi gruppi dedicato alle opere di pratchett, ad esempio il gruppo Ankh morpork, poi un altro gruppo che sta ideando un sim tutto Discworld, c'e' la societa' the Turtle Moves, e infine the Unseen University, l'universita' invisibile (dove ci si laurea in ... arti e scienze trasparenti, immagino) un gruppo che si occupa di magia pratchettesca. Eh si', non ci manca nulla nel metaverso... in particolare le cose mai viste.

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